Criteria for evaluating concise presentation



The examinee accurately conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, reflecting all the micro-topics that were important for his perception.


The examinee conveyed the main content of the text he listened to,



Source text compression

The examinee used 1 or more text compression techniques, using them throughout the text

The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 2 text microtopics

The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 1 micro-topic of text

The examinee did not use text compression techniques


Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation:

There are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken;

There are no violations of paragraph division of the text in the work

The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation,


1 logical error was made,


there is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work

The examinee’s work reveals a communicative intent,


more than 1 logical error was made,


there are 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text



It is necessary to write all the micro-topics of the text.
Micro theme- This is the main idea of ​​a paragraph, uniting several sentences.
As a rule, there are 3-4 paragraphs in the presentation, therefore, it is necessary not to miss them. To do this, it is important to be able to distinguish primary information from secondary information.
It is necessary to improve your auditory skills, learn to perceive information by ear.


You need to learn how to compress text. For this there aremethods (techniques) of text compression , namely:

A) Exception
What can and should be excluded:
-lexical repetitions
-irrelevant information
-detailed descriptions
- homogeneous members

B) Generalization
- homogeneous members with a generalizing word
-parts of a sentence with a synonymous but more laconic expression
-replacement of a sentence or part of it with a defining or negative pronoun

B) Simplification
- combining several sentences into one
-replacement of a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun
-replacement of a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression
-replacement of direct speech with indirect speech

The volume of presentation must be at least 70 words.


It is necessary to correctly divide the text of the presentation into paragraphs and not change sentences and paragraphs in places so as not to destroy the composition of the text. Try to convey the text in the order in which you heard it. Don't repeat the same thoughts (for example, to make up for something you missed) and don't come up with new sentences. This often happens when, while quickly taking notes, the meaning of a sentence is lost.

***Do not forget that the presentation is also subject to a literacy test, but you can completely legally use the SPELLING DICTIONARY.

Progress of presentation:

    First audition (approx.3 minutes )

    Working with drafts (3-5 minutes )

    Second audition

    Writing a presentation

1) Start recording during your first listen. Don’t write automatically, but listen to the meaning, try to immediately highlight the main and primary things, follow the speaker’s thoughts.

2) Don’t try to write down everything, focus on specific words and follow the text along with the speaker. Try to keep up. To do this, make gaps to fit the missing words. That is, if you didn’t have time to write down three words, then there should be room for these words in your draft. This does not mean that all three words will end up there, but it is better to leave space for them. The next time you listen, you will be able to understand which words and parts of the sentence you need to focus on.

3) What to write down during 1 listening:
-grammatical basis (subject and predicate of the sentence)
-start a sentence with a capital letter
-other words important for understanding the meaning of a sentence

What NOT to write down:
-introductory words
-long participial and participial phrases

4) Highlight sentence boundaries. Ideally, write the first word of a sentence with a capital letter. This is necessary so that two sentences of your outline do not turn into one with a completely different meaning.

5) Be sure to use abbreviations, but you need to use them correctly. For example, if you shorten the phrase “autumn leaf fall” like this: “o.l.” you won't be able to understand anything later. A correct abbreviation is to capture the root of a word and its ending.

Correct abbreviation: “purposeful” = “purposeful”
Incorrect abbreviation: "whole." - such a word can be interpreted in any way.

*** As a rule, some words are repeated throughout the text; you can write such a word once, and then use only the first letter. This applies only to key, thematic words. For example, the text is about beauty. The word beauty is in almost every sentence. It will be enough to write this word once.

Be sure to practice your ability to abbreviate words.

6) After the first audition, you will have 3-5 minute(s) to work on your draft. At this time, it is important to add abbreviations and, if memory allows, enter words that you can remember. Here you need to be very careful, write only what you are sure of. You can mark in your draft those places where it is fundamentally important to restore words: where you cannot remember a word at all, but it is important for understanding the sentence. These can also be names of something, names or terms.

7) During the second listening, write down important words in the gaps. This time you can also use rational abbreviations. During the second listening, you also do not need to write unimportant information, introductory structures and a bunch of lexical repetitions. Do not forget that the presentation should be concise.

8) Once again restore all the abbreviations and read the resulting text carefully. You will probably find that you can shorten, simplify or condense, but do not overdo it, as the volume of presentation should be at least 70 words.

9) Rewrite the presentation, creating a full-fledged text, check it for errors and you can safely rewrite it into a clean copy, not forgetting about paragraph division.

How to learn to compress text? To begin with, let us recall that concise presentation is a test of text processing skills. A condensed presentation is a brief, generalized presentation of the content of the source text.

The student needs to reflect the content of the original text as much as possible, using minimal verbal means. Let’s define the tasks facing us and choose a certain course of action.

According to the criteria for assessing a concise presentation, it is necessary to complete a number of tasks.


1) Convey the main content of the listened text, without missing a single micro-topic.

2) Apply at least one text compression method.

3) Write a paper without logical errors and violations of paragraph division of the text (approximate volume 90-110 words).

Listening to the text

The original text is reproduced twice. Between the first and second reading you will have 10 minutes to comprehend the text.

When reading for the first time, try to understand the essence of the text, its main problem. Follow the development of micro-topics, remember their location and sequence.

If you don’t have time, don’t try to write down the entire text. Write down key words and phrases that form the semantic basis of this text. Leave gaps between entries: this will give you the opportunity to insert words, phrases and even sentences during the second reading and editing. Try to make a plan, formulating each micro-topic in the form of a thesis.

On the second reading, check whether you correctly remember the sequence of the topic and the author’s reasoning. Complete your entries.

In the process of listening to the text, you need to mentally divide it into its component parts - microthemes.

A microtheme is the content of several sentences united by one thought. A microtheme is part of the overall theme of the text and, as a rule, is a separate paragraph (or several). In the text of the condensed presentation, all micro-topics of the source text should be noted, otherwise the grade will be reduced.

Reading text 1

Having carefully read this text, we will highlight the following micro-topics in it:

1st paragraph: The algorithm of black ingratitude is the response to good with evil.

Paragraph 2 - Morality is a guide to life.

Paragraph 3 - The happiness of doing good is given only to sublime natures.

Methods for compressing text

The point of compressing text is to leave the main information while reducing the secondary information. There are three language methods for text compression: exclusion, generalization and replacement.

When using an exception, it is necessary to determine the main information and secondary details (introductory constructions, repetitions, homogeneous members, synonyms, unimportant fragments and whole sentences). By excluding these details, you will form a condensed text.

When generalizing, we isolate individual facts, select means of briefly conveying them, and compose a new text. Using this method, we can replace homogeneous members with a generalized name, direct speech with indirect speech, several simple sentences with complex ones.

Simplification (replacement) is a text compression technique based on simplifying syntactic structures:

- replacing part of a complex sentence with a participial or adverbial phrase;

- merging several sentences into one;

- replacing part of the text with one sentence;

- reducing the number of parts of a complex sentence;

- replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression;

- replacing a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun.

Editing 1 paragraph:

One person was told that an acquaintance of his spoke about him in unflattering terms: “It can’t be! - the man exclaimed. “I didn’t do anything good for him...” Here it is, the algorithm of black ingratitude, when good is answered with evil. In life, one must assume, this man has more than once met people who have mixed up the guidelines on the moral compass.

We exclude direct speech, introductory phrases, and simplify the last 2 sentences of the paragraph:

The algorithm of black ingratitude is evil in response to good. This is what people do who have mixed up the guidelines on the moral compass.

Editing paragraph 2:

Morality is a guide to life. And if you deviate from the road, you may well wander into a windfall, thorny bushes, or even drown. That is, if you behave ungratefully towards others, then people have the right to behave the same towards you.

We use the method of replacement in sentence 2 and exclusion in sentence 3:

Morality is a guide to life, and if you deviate from the road, you can get lost or even die. If you behave ungratefully towards others, you may get the same in return.

Editing paragraph 3:

How should we approach this phenomenon? Be philosophical. Do good and know that it will surely pay off. I assure you that you yourself will receive pleasure from doing good. That is, you will be happy. And this is the goal in life - to live it happily. And remember: sublime natures do good.

We exclude the interrogative sentence, use the simplification method, making up one complex sentence from several sentences with the first complicated part (homogeneous members, an isolated circumstance, expressed by an adverbial phrase):

One must approach the phenomenon of ingratitude philosophically: to do good, receiving pleasure from it, and therefore a feeling of happiness, which is the goal of life for an exalted nature. (71 words)

Reading text 2

We highlight microthemes:

1 paragraph - Cruel school of war.

Paragraph 2 - “Mental experience” of wartime childhood.

Paragraph 3 - The memory of the war must live on.

Editing 1 paragraph:

The war was a cruel and rough school for children. They sat not at desks, but in frozen trenches, and in front of them were not notebooks, but armor-piercing shells and machine gun belts. They did not yet have life experience and therefore did not understand the true value of simple things that you do not attach importance to in everyday peaceful life.

We exclude one of the adjectives in sentence 1. We exclude one of the homogeneous adverbs of place in the second sentence and generalize the homogeneous subjects. We simplify the third sentence and get:

Children went through the cruel school of war in frozen trenches with weapons in their hands instead of notebooks. They did not yet have life experience to truly appreciate what you do not attach importance to in peaceful life.

Editing paragraph 2:

The war filled their spiritual experience to the limit. They could cry not from grief, but from hatred, they could childishly rejoice at the spring crane wedge, as they had never rejoiced either before or after the war, with tenderness they could keep in their souls the warmth of bygone youth. Those who survived returned from the war, having managed to preserve within themselves a pure, radiant peace, faith and hope, becoming more uncompromising to injustice, kinder to goodness.

Let’s simplify: out of three sentences we make one, complicated by a separate circumstance, expressed by an adverbial phrase. “Radiant and pure world” was replaced with “purity of the world”:

The war filled their spiritual experience, forcing them not only to cry with hatred, but also to rejoice at the crane’s wedge, to tenderly preserve the warmth of their passing youth, to preserve the purity of the world, faith and hope, to become kinder and at the same time more uncompromising to injustice.

Editing paragraph 3:

Although the war has already become history, the memory of it must live, because the main participants in history are People and Time. Not to forget Time means not to forget People, not to forget People means not to forget Time.

We exclude the last sentence of the paragraph as repeating the idea of ​​the first:

The war has become history, but we must remember it, because the main participants in history are People and Time. (87 words)

Reading text 3

I was betrayed by a loved one, I was betrayed by my best friend. Unfortunately, we hear such statements quite often. Most often, those in whom we have invested our souls betray. The pattern here is this: the greater the benefit, the stronger the betrayal. In such situations, I remember Hugo’s statement: “I am indifferent to the knife blows of an enemy, but the pin prick of a friend is painful to me.”

Many endure bullying, hoping that the traitor’s conscience will awaken. But something that is not there cannot wake up. Conscience is a function of the soul, but a traitor does not have it. A traitor usually explains his action by the interests of the case, but in order to justify the first betrayal, he commits a second, third, and so on ad infinitum.

Betrayal completely destroys a person’s dignity, and as a result, traitors behave differently. Someone defends their behavior, trying to justify what they did, someone falls into a feeling of guilt and fear of impending retribution, and someone simply tries to forget everything, without burdening themselves with emotions or thoughts. In any case, the life of a traitor becomes empty, worthless and meaningless.

Exercise 1:

Identify the micro-topics of this text yourself and write them down in your notebook.

Task 2:

Read the text of the condensed presentation and indicate compression methods:

The pattern is that most often those close to us betray - those in whom we have invested our souls. In such situations, how can one not remember Victor Hugo’s statement that the enemy’s blows are endured more easily than the pin pricks of a friend.

The traitor explains his act by the interests of the cause, but in reality his mockery of others is explained by the absence of a soul, and therefore of conscience.

Betrayal destroys a person’s dignity, and then he tries to justify what he did, or falls into despair before inevitable retribution, or tries to forget everything, and his life becomes worthless. (84 words)

Task 3:

Edit the text, highlighting micro-topics and using compression methods you know:

The essence of the concept of “power” lies in the ability of one person to force another to do something that he would not do of his own free will. A tree, if not disturbed, grows straight up. But even if it does not manage to grow evenly, then it, bending under obstacles, tries to get out from under them and stretch upward again. So is man. Sooner or later he will want to disobey. Submissive people usually suffer, but if once they have managed to throw off their “burden,” they often turn into tyrants themselves.

If you command everywhere and everyone, then loneliness awaits a person as the end of life. Such a person will always be lonely. After all, he does not know how to communicate on equal terms. Inside he has a dull, sometimes unconscious anxiety. And he feels calm only when people unquestioningly carry out his orders. The commanders themselves are unhappy people, and they breed misfortune, even if they achieve good results.

Commanding and managing people are two different things. The one who manages knows how to take responsibility for actions. This approach preserves the mental health of both the person himself and those around him.

How to learn to compress text? To begin with, let us recall that concise presentation is a test of text processing skills. A condensed presentation is a brief, generalized presentation of the content of the source text.

The student needs to reflect the content of the original text as much as possible, using minimal verbal means. Let’s define the tasks facing us and choose a certain course of action.

According to the criteria for assessing a concise presentation, it is necessary to complete a number of tasks.


1) Convey the main content of the listened text, without missing a single micro-topic.

2) Apply at least one text compression method.

3) Write a paper without logical errors and violations of paragraph division of the text (approximate volume 90-110 words).

Listening to the text

The original text is reproduced twice. Between the first and second reading you will have 10 minutes to comprehend the text.

When reading for the first time, try to understand the essence of the text, its main problem. Follow the development of micro-topics, remember their location and sequence.

If you don’t have time, don’t try to write down the entire text. Write down key words and phrases that form the semantic basis of this text. Leave gaps between entries: this will give you the opportunity to insert words, phrases and even sentences during the second reading and editing. Try to make a plan, formulating each micro-topic in the form of a thesis.

On the second reading, check whether you correctly remember the sequence of the topic and the author’s reasoning. Complete your entries.

In the process of listening to the text, you need to mentally divide it into its component parts - microthemes.

A microtheme is the content of several sentences united by one thought. A microtheme is part of the overall theme of the text and, as a rule, is a separate paragraph (or several). In the text of the condensed presentation, all micro-topics of the source text should be noted, otherwise the grade will be reduced.

Reading text 1

Having carefully read this text, we will highlight the following micro-topics in it:

1st paragraph: The algorithm of black ingratitude is the response to good with evil.

Paragraph 2 - Morality is a guide to life.

Paragraph 3 - The happiness of doing good is given only to sublime natures.

Methods for compressing text

The point of compressing text is to leave the main information while reducing the secondary information. There are three language methods for text compression: exclusion, generalization and replacement.

When using an exception, it is necessary to determine the main information and secondary details (introductory constructions, repetitions, homogeneous members, synonyms, unimportant fragments and whole sentences). By excluding these details, you will form a condensed text.

When generalizing, we isolate individual facts, select means of briefly conveying them, and compose a new text. Using this method, we can replace homogeneous members with a generalized name, direct speech with indirect speech, several simple sentences with complex ones.

Simplification (replacement) is a text compression technique based on simplifying syntactic structures:

- replacing part of a complex sentence with a participial or adverbial phrase;

- merging several sentences into one;

- replacing part of the text with one sentence;

- reducing the number of parts of a complex sentence;

- replacing a sentence fragment with a synonymous expression;

- replacing a sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun.

Editing 1 paragraph:

One person was told that an acquaintance of his spoke about him in unflattering terms: “It can’t be! - the man exclaimed. “I didn’t do anything good for him...” Here it is, the algorithm of black ingratitude, when good is answered with evil. In life, one must assume, this man has more than once met people who have mixed up the guidelines on the moral compass.

We exclude direct speech, introductory phrases, and simplify the last 2 sentences of the paragraph:

The algorithm of black ingratitude is evil in response to good. This is what people do who have mixed up the guidelines on the moral compass.

Editing paragraph 2:

Morality is a guide to life. And if you deviate from the road, you may well wander into a windfall, thorny bushes, or even drown. That is, if you behave ungratefully towards others, then people have the right to behave the same towards you.

We use the method of replacement in sentence 2 and exclusion in sentence 3:

Morality is a guide to life, and if you deviate from the road, you can get lost or even die. If you behave ungratefully towards others, you may get the same in return.

Editing paragraph 3:

How should we approach this phenomenon? Be philosophical. Do good and know that it will surely pay off. I assure you that you yourself will receive pleasure from doing good. That is, you will be happy. And this is the goal in life - to live it happily. And remember: sublime natures do good.

We exclude the interrogative sentence, use the simplification method, making up one complex sentence from several sentences with the first complicated part (homogeneous members, an isolated circumstance, expressed by an adverbial phrase):

One must approach the phenomenon of ingratitude philosophically: to do good, receiving pleasure from it, and therefore a feeling of happiness, which is the goal of life for an exalted nature. (71 words)

Reading text 2

We highlight microthemes:

1 paragraph - Cruel school of war.

Paragraph 2 - “Mental experience” of wartime childhood.

Paragraph 3 - The memory of the war must live on.

Editing 1 paragraph:

The war was a cruel and rough school for children. They sat not at desks, but in frozen trenches, and in front of them were not notebooks, but armor-piercing shells and machine gun belts. They did not yet have life experience and therefore did not understand the true value of simple things that you do not attach importance to in everyday peaceful life.

We exclude one of the adjectives in sentence 1. We exclude one of the homogeneous adverbs of place in the second sentence and generalize the homogeneous subjects. We simplify the third sentence and get:

Children went through the cruel school of war in frozen trenches with weapons in their hands instead of notebooks. They did not yet have life experience to truly appreciate what you do not attach importance to in peaceful life.

Editing paragraph 2:

The war filled their spiritual experience to the limit. They could cry not from grief, but from hatred, they could childishly rejoice at the spring crane wedge, as they had never rejoiced either before or after the war, with tenderness they could keep in their souls the warmth of bygone youth. Those who survived returned from the war, having managed to preserve within themselves a pure, radiant peace, faith and hope, becoming more uncompromising to injustice, kinder to goodness.

Let’s simplify: out of three sentences we make one, complicated by a separate circumstance, expressed by an adverbial phrase. “Radiant and pure world” was replaced with “purity of the world”:

The war filled their spiritual experience, forcing them not only to cry with hatred, but also to rejoice at the crane’s wedge, to tenderly preserve the warmth of their passing youth, to preserve the purity of the world, faith and hope, to become kinder and at the same time more uncompromising to injustice.

Editing paragraph 3:

Although the war has already become history, the memory of it must live, because the main participants in history are People and Time. Not to forget Time means not to forget People, not to forget People means not to forget Time.

We exclude the last sentence of the paragraph as repeating the idea of ​​the first:

The war has become history, but we must remember it, because the main participants in history are People and Time. (87 words)

Reading text 3

I was betrayed by a loved one, I was betrayed by my best friend. Unfortunately, we hear such statements quite often. Most often, those in whom we have invested our souls betray. The pattern here is this: the greater the benefit, the stronger the betrayal. In such situations, I remember Hugo’s statement: “I am indifferent to the knife blows of an enemy, but the pin prick of a friend is painful to me.”

Many endure bullying, hoping that the traitor’s conscience will awaken. But something that is not there cannot wake up. Conscience is a function of the soul, but a traitor does not have it. A traitor usually explains his action by the interests of the case, but in order to justify the first betrayal, he commits a second, third, and so on ad infinitum.

Betrayal completely destroys a person’s dignity, and as a result, traitors behave differently. Someone defends their behavior, trying to justify what they did, someone falls into a feeling of guilt and fear of impending retribution, and someone simply tries to forget everything, without burdening themselves with emotions or thoughts. In any case, the life of a traitor becomes empty, worthless and meaningless.

Exercise 1:

Identify the micro-topics of this text yourself and write them down in your notebook.

Task 2:

Read the text of the condensed presentation and indicate compression methods:

The pattern is that most often those close to us betray - those in whom we have invested our souls. In such situations, how can one not remember Victor Hugo’s statement that the enemy’s blows are endured more easily than the pin pricks of a friend.

The traitor explains his act by the interests of the cause, but in reality his mockery of others is explained by the absence of a soul, and therefore of conscience.

Betrayal destroys a person’s dignity, and then he tries to justify what he did, or falls into despair before inevitable retribution, or tries to forget everything, and his life becomes worthless. (84 words)

Task 3:

Edit the text, highlighting micro-topics and using compression methods you know:

The essence of the concept of “power” lies in the ability of one person to force another to do something that he would not do of his own free will. A tree, if not disturbed, grows straight up. But even if it does not manage to grow evenly, then it, bending under obstacles, tries to get out from under them and stretch upward again. So is man. Sooner or later he will want to disobey. Submissive people usually suffer, but if once they have managed to throw off their “burden,” they often turn into tyrants themselves.

If you command everywhere and everyone, then loneliness awaits a person as the end of life. Such a person will always be lonely. After all, he does not know how to communicate on equal terms. Inside he has a dull, sometimes unconscious anxiety. And he feels calm only when people unquestioningly carry out his orders. The commanders themselves are unhappy people, and they breed misfortune, even if they achieve good results.

Commanding and managing people are two different things. The one who manages knows how to take responsibility for actions. This approach preserves the mental health of both the person himself and those around him.

– a concise presentation of the text, which is listened to twice in an audio recording. You will have to not only “switch on” your memory, but also demonstrate the ability to process the information received, highlighting the most important and essential things in it.

What is a summary?

Concise presentation - the text is abbreviated, without small details and secondary information. This is something like a well-written note (very good, by the way, if you were taught how to write notes correctly in literature, history or geography lessons).

Text shortened by 1/3 is considered compressed. However, the requirements for the OGE are somewhat different. In the demo version of the OGE 2015, the listening text contains 152 words, and the required volume of presentation is 70 words (this is a little more than a third of the original text).

The optimal number of words in the presentation of the OGE is 70-90 (function words and interjections are also included in the count). Many expert teachers believe that a larger presentation is no longer concise and mercilessly reduce points for work with too many words. So don't take risks - write 70 to 90 words, no more and no less.

How to write a concise presentation in OGE format?

The presentation must be written in accordance with the approved criteria, since it is by these criteria that experts evaluate the work. The criteria for evaluating a concise presentation can be found in the demo version on the FIPI website, and read about how and who checks exam papers.

Let's look at each criterion separately.

Criterion 1. Content.

You are required to state the main content of the text you listened to. Try not to miss anything; you shouldn’t add anything “on your own” either. The expert looks at whether you managed to reflect the main micro-topics of the text and assigns an appropriate score.

What is a microtheme?

The sentences of the text are united by one common topic (remember, the topic is what is said in the text). A large topic, as a rule, is revealed through several small subtopics - microtopics. It is no coincidence that the text is usually divided into several parts - paragraphs. It can be said that microtheme is the main idea of ​​the paragraph . (Do not confuse the terms “paragraph” and “microtopic” - these are different concepts, and another criterion for assessing presentation is devoted to paragraph division).

The expert’s logic is as follows: if you have reflected all the important micro-topics of the text in your work, then the content of the text is conveyed correctly, which means you can give the highest score according to the first criterion.

Need a specific example? There is such an example in one of the articles on our website - by clicking on the link, you can.

To highlight the main information in a text, you need to understand it correctly. Try to understand what the text says the first time you listen.

Criterion 2. Text compression.

When checking the presentation, experts count the number of words (there should be, as we have already said, no less than 70 words). However, the main thing that attention is paid to when evaluating work according to the second criterion is the use of compression techniques.

What are text compression techniques?

When compressing text, the information contained in it will need to be processed. This information is “filtered” - you leave the main thing and cut off the unimportant.

The text is abbreviated according to the rules. One of them is the use of certain actions called compression techniques (also called linguistic techniques for text compression). If you know these techniques, it will not be difficult for you to present the content of the text in a concise and understandable form.

But remember: no matter how you “compress” the text you listen to, try not to “lose” the main information it contains.

Basic text compression techniques:

1. Exception.

This technique is associated with exclusion, “crossing out” secondary information, and some students consider it the easiest. Indeed, is it really difficult to cross out some words or even sentences in the text?

However, not all so simple. Under no circumstances should you exclude the main information - you risk losing points. Only non-essential information is cut off!

What can be excluded from the text when presenting it concisely?

We exclude repetitions. Example: Need to educate children have conscientiousness, needs to be educated Children have the capacity for compassion.It is necessary to cultivate in children conscientiousness and the ability to compassion.

Synonyms can be excluded (one or more) . Example: Boy's eyes shone, sparkled, sparkled. – The boy’s eyes shone.

We exclude clarifications and explanations: My sister lived nearby on nearby street. - My sister lived nearby.

Maybe eliminating parts of a sentence or even several proposals, containing irrelevant information. It is important here not to confuse secondary information with the main information that is essential for the disclosure of the topic.

2. Generalization.

Replace homogeneous terms with a generalizing word or a phrase. Example: We picked daisies, bells, cornflowers. - We picked colors(different colors).

We summarize the information by replacing a fragment of text synonymous (close in meaning) expression. Example: A person learns correct behavior from the very age when the first steps are taken, the first habits are laid, the first words are spoken. – A person learns correct behavior since the early childhood.

3. Simplification.

This compression technique involves structural simplification of a text fragment. To do this you can combine several offers in one. Example: The years go by. The writer goes further and further into history; only his works do not age. – Years go by, but the writer’s books do not age (in this example, along with simplification, exclusion is also used).

Possible replacing a complex sentence with a simple one : Aircraft models, which have electric motors, participate in sports competitions. – Aircraft models, equipped with electric motors, participate in sports competitions.

Direct speech better in a concise way replace with indirect . This is another kind of simplification. Example: The driver said: « I'll take you to the station in fifteen minutes" - The driver said, that will take us to the station in fifteen minutes.

The OGE exam paper in the Russian language consists of three parts.

The first part of the work is writing a concise summary of the listened text.

This form requires not just the mobilization of the student’s memory, but, first of all, a structured perception of the content of the text, the ability to identify micro-topics in it, determine the main, essential things in them, and cut off the secondary. Thus, a concise presentation encourages the graduate to perform information processing of the text. At the same time, not only reproductive, but also productive communication skills are in demand, and above all the ability to select lexical and grammatical means that make it possible to coherently and concisely convey the information received.

Basic approaches to assessing condensed presentation are presented in the FIPI document "Methodological materials for chairmen and members of regional subject commissions for checking the completion of tasks with a detailed answer for the 2017 OGE exam papers"

(Exercise 1)

Listen to the text and write a concise summary.

Please note that you must convey the main content of both each micro-topic and the entire text as a whole.

*The volume of presentation is at least 70 words.

Write your summary in neat, legible handwriting.

* When counting words, both independent and auxiliary parts of speech are taken into account. Any sequence of words written without a space is counted (for example, “still” is one word, “still” is two words). Initials with a surname are considered one word (for example, “M.Yu. Lermontov” is one word). Any other symbols, in particular numbers, are not taken into account when calculating (for example, “5 years” is one word, “five years” is two words).

If the presentation contains less than 50 words, then such work is not counted and is assessed with zero points, the task is considered uncompleted.

Assessment criteria for assignment 1

Table 1

Criteria for evaluating a condensed presentation of the OGE in the Russian language Points
IR1 Contents of the presentation (see table 2*)
The examinee accurately conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, reflecting all the micro-topics that were important for his perception, listed in Table 2*. 2
The examinee conveyed the main content of the text he listened to, but missed or added 1 micro-topic. 1
The examinee conveyed the main content of the listened text, but missed or added more than 1 micro-topic. 0
IR2 Source text compression
The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them throughout the entire text. 3
The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 2 text microtopics. 2
The examinee applied 1 or more text compression techniques, using them to compress 1 micro-topic of text. 1
The examinee did not use text compression techniques. 0
IR3 Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, verbal coherence and consistency of presentation: - there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not broken; - there are no violations of the paragraph division of the text in the work. 2
The examinee’s work is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation, but 1 logical error was made, and/or the work contains 1 violation of paragraph division of the text. 1
The examinee’s work shows a communicative intent, but more than 1 logical error was made, and/or there were 2 cases of violation of paragraph division of the text. 0

*Table 2 see the FIPI document

The maximum number of points for a concise presentation according to criteria IR1–IR3 is 7

The expert checks the work if it contains at least 50 words.

When writing a presentation, the examinee may use vocabulary that differs from that presented in the source text or in information about the text.

The examinee must write the narrative from the person from whom the narration in the source text comes.

If proper names are found in the source text, they should be written out on the board.

Reading the examination paper, the expert establishes:

Correspondence of the number of microtopics in the work of the examinee to the number of microtopics in the information about the text;

The sequence of microthemes in the examinee’s work, which must correspond to the sequence of microthemes in the information about the text;

Accuracy of information transfer in each micro-topic.

It is important to note that the presentation is not a reproduced, but a created text. This provision directs experts assessing a student’s presentation to take into account not only the substantive characteristics of a condensed presentation (the presence of microtopics, keywords), but also the logic of the development of the author’s thought.

The author of the text can reveal the general thesis formulated in the first paragraph, can update new aspects in a seemingly well-known concept, can refute the prevailing idea of ​​​​a particular phenomenon, etc. Thus, in the above student’s work we see complete compliance of the presentation with the structural and semantic parts of the source text.

This, for example, is manifested in the sequence of keywords: calling, talent, hard work, happiness, specialist, favorite profession, etc. That is why, in order to increase the objectivity and reliability of the check, the expert should very carefully study the source text, identify the author’s purpose, which is reflected in the choice of topic, the sequence of semantic parts, and the selection of speech means.